In this tutorial we demonstrate how to import a geolocation CSV file into a local SQL database and setup automatic updates.
The first step is to create a new database table to hold the imported data.
You will find the MySQL table creation statements for all available CSV databases on the following pages :
In this example we will use the IP to Country database :
~# mysql myapp
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 15635862
Server version: 10.3.8-MariaDB-1:10.3.8+maria~jessie binary distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [myapp]> CREATE TABLE `dbip_lookup` (
-> `addr_type` enum('ipv4','ipv6') NOT NULL,
-> `ip_start` varbinary(16) NOT NULL,
-> `ip_end` varbinary(16) NOT NULL,
-> `continent` char(2) NOT NULL,
-> `country` char(2) NOT NULL,
-> PRIMARY KEY (`addr_type`,`ip_start`)
-> ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.048 sec)
MariaDB [myapp]>
dbip-update is the preferred way for loading and updating databases. It is bundled in the package below and is meant to be run on the command line.
dbip-phpsrc-4.0.tgzWhen run without arguments or configuration file, dbip-update outputs this help page :
~# ./dbip-update.php
usage: ./dbip-update.php -k <accountKey> [-l] [-d <dbType>] [-f <format>] [-o <outputDir|outputFileName>] [-b <dataSourceName> [-u <dbUser>] [-p <dbPassword] [-t <dbTableName>]] [-c <configFile>] [-n] [-z|-Z] [-w] [-q]
-l list available items and exit
-n request new items only
-z fetch uncompressed file (default for mmdb format)
-Z fetch compressed file (default for csv format)
-w overwrite destination file if it already exists
-b PDO DSN for database update (ie. "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbip")
-u database username (default 'root')
-p database password (default '')
-t name of database table (default 'dbip_lookup')
-q be quiet
If you plan to use it for updates on a regular basis, you may want to create a configuration file to hold your basic account and database configuration.
The configuration file is optional. When dbip-update finds a file named dbip-update.ini in its directory, it will attempt to load it and apply its settings.
Below is a sample dbip-update.ini :
; Your account key is available in your customer section at
; This is the PDO Data Source Name for your database instance, see
dataSourceName = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=myapp"
; dbUser and dbPassword are the database account credentials
dbUser = myapp
dbPassword = myapp123
Now that you have created a database table and configuration file, it is time to import the latest available database into your local SQL instance.
This is simply done by running dbip-update :
~# ./dbip-update.php
Starting update for ip-to-country (February 19th 2025)
Download completed: 4,164.4 KB
Verify signature: [MD5] [SHA1] passed
Database updated: 655,145 rows imported
The process takes a few seconds to several minutes depending on the data size and local database performance
dbip-update has the ability to start an update only if there are new database releases that you have not downloaded yet.
This is done by adding a -n
parameter to the commande line :
~# ./dbip-update.php -n
there are no new downloads available
If your operating systems supports it, you should then add a crontab entry to periodically check for new releases and update your local database.
When running it from a crontab, you should prevent dbip-update from sending unnecessary details to the console, the -q
argument will silent all but critical errors.
In the sample crontab entry below, dbip-update is run daily at midnight and will update the local database if it finds a new release :
# m h dom mon dow user command
0 0 * * * root /path/to/myapp/dbip/dbip-update.php -n -q
API | DB | |||||||
Free | Basic | Core | Extended | IP to Country | IP to City | IP to Location | IP to ISP | IP to Location+ISP |
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